What is IT TALENT?

IT Talent is a web application that lets people from around the world show their skills at software development and that way representatives from any enterprise can easily find the best fits for their teams.

How do I analyze someone? IT Talent is provided with an analysis section for representatives. You can easily find a candidate's profile inputting their GitHub account name and, if necessary, a Github token.


Sprint 1

During Sprint 1, we have developed a set of features to enhance the user experience. Here are the key functionalities:

  1. User Management: Allow users to register and login securely.
  2. Profile Analysis: Perform in-depth analysis of candidate profiles to evaluate their skills and suitability.
  3. Analysis Viewing: View detailed analyses conducted on candidates.
  4. Analysis History: Access the history of analyses conducted by representatives.

Sprint 2

During sprint 2 the following features have been developed:

  1. Full team searches: Allows you to find a team in seconds with the necessary characteristics.
  2. Email validation: Allows you to validate through an API that the email addresses exist.
  3. Notifications for candidates: Allows candidates to see which companies have viewed their profile.
  4. User experience improvements and bug fixes.

Sprint 3

During sprint 3 the following features have been developed:

  1. Trends: Allows you to see market trends.
  2. Search history: You will be able to see the teams searches that you have already done.
  3. Payment gateway: Allows you to pay from stripe, a secure payment platform.
  4. Graphics: Graphs have been added to represent the data.
  5. FAQ added: Several frequently asked questions and their answers have been added.
  6. Terms and conditions of service have been added: The user must read and accept the terms to create their account.
  7. Analysis update by candidate: Allows the candidate to update their data from their GitHub profile.
  8. Separate functionalities for each price plan: Limitations have been applied to each app subscription plan.
  9. User experience improvements and bug fixes.


During Prepare Project Launch sprint the following features have been developed:

  1. Recover password: If you lost or forgot your password, you can now recover it through an automated email system.
  2. The user experience has been greatly polished and a wide variety of bugs have been corrected.


During World Project Launch sprint the following features have been developed:

  1. Login with email: Now you can log in with either your email or your username.
  2. Adaptation of the password recovery format for greater intuitiveness.
  3. Warning messages and useful information in views while using the application.
  4. The user experience has been greatly polished and a wide variety of bugs have been corrected.


Member GitHub Email
Bermejo Soria, Carlos carlos-bermejo
Casal Ferrero, Rubén RubenCasal
Domínguez Ruiz, Andrés andresdominguezruiz
Domínguez-Adame Ruiz, Alberto albdomrui20
Fernández Castillo, Javier JaviFdez7
Gallardo Martos, Daniel dangalmar
Herrera Ramírez, Ismael IsmaelHerrera2000
Izquierdo Lavado, Mario marizqlav
Mateos Gómez, Fernando José Moffinguer
Merino Palma, Alejandro José alemerpal
Montero Martínez, Francisco Jesús FJMonteroInformatica
López Moyano, Rocío RukisRo
Otero Barbasán, Manuel motero2k
Vilaplana de Trías, Francisco David Francisco-David
Zarzuela Reina, Carlos carzarrei